When you compare the actual cube, to the cube design on TinkerCAD, the one on TinkerCAD has smaller dimensions. The actual cube is one inch on each side, and the cube on TinkerCAD is only half of an inch on each side. When you take apart, and ungroup the cube on TinkerCAD, it is made with one solid cube, and a rectangular hole is put through the middle of it. Also, there is a sphere in the middle of the cube. Shin Guard Design This shin guard was created by taking a solid piece and using different types of holes in it so it creates a curve in it. This will allow it to wrap around your leg to fit comfortably. The shin guard is not to complicated. Limitations How thin the structure can be Has to fit on the printer How close two objects can be to each other How small you can print something Takes time to print things How intricate it can be Can not make anything electronic If you make support too far apart, then the object will sag in th...